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     Vestas Technology R&D Centre China- Vestas Technology R&D(Beijing)Co., Ltd, was established by Vestas Wind System Co., Ltd. It was the first dedicated wind energy R&D centre set up by an international player in China. Its establishment represents that Vestas has built up the whole sets of complete value chain in China market which included research & development, production, purchase, sales, etc. It will provide the world-class solutions for meeting the growing technical needs from China’s wind energy industry and offer strong technical support for the internationalization of China''''''''s wind energy industry. It is another important milestone for Vestas’ long-term commitment to China and in its further endeavors to becoming the partner of choice in China’s wind energy industry. 

    Vestas Technology R&D Centre China will fully use 25 years’ valuable experience dedicated in China to provide Chinese market and customer new products and technology solutions which are more close to Chinese local environment and demands. And as one of Vestas Global R&D’s gateway, Vestas Technology R&D Centre China will also channel Vestas’ world’s leading wind technology to support innovation of Chinese wind technology to China. It will also be pivotal in sharing successful Chinese experiences to other markets. 

    At present, 95% staffs in company are Chinese talents, and plans to invest total US$50 million in next five years. In the long term, Vestas Technology R&D Centre China will cover a full palette of competences such as high voltage engineering, aerodynamics, material development and software development. With these competences, the centre will develop state-of-the-art technology which will significantly reduce the Cost of Energy. These technologies will cover the complete Vestas product portfolio. 

    As an integrated part of Vestas global technology innovation network, Vestas Technology R&D Centre China will closely cooperate with other equal Vestas Global R&D Centers which located in Denmark, UK, US, India and Singapore, and will fully maximize the talent and experience we have in China to incubate the world’s leading innovation technology solutions to the world wind energy industry. 


     维斯塔斯中国技术研发中心是中国首座国际风能技术研发中心。它的成立标志着维斯塔斯在中国市场建成了囊括研发、生产、采购、销售等环节的完整价值链,将为中国风电产业日益增长的技术需求提供全球领先的解决方案,为中国风能产业国际化提供有力的技术支持,是维斯塔斯长期致力于中国风能产业建设的又一重大里程碑。     维斯塔斯中国技术研发中心将充分利用维斯塔斯25年来耕耘中国市场的宝贵经验,为中国市场及客户提供更贴近本土环境和需求的新产品及技术解决方案,并作为维斯塔斯全球技术研发中心网络的枢纽之一,为世界不同地区市场提供风能技术研发服务。 
     目前公司95%的员工为中国本土研发精英,预计在未来5年内累计投资5千万美元 (约合3.5亿元人民币)。从长远来看,维斯塔斯中国技术研发中心将重点开展包括高电压技术、空气动力学、材料研究、软件开发等领域在内的研发工作,运用这些技术研发降低度电成本,并就此拓展全方位的研发能力。 

  • 公司性质:外商独资
  • 所属行业:动力、电力、机电设备
  • 所在地区:北京-顺义区
  • 联系人:hr
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  • 邮箱:会员登录后才可查看
  • 邮政编码:100027
  • 地址:北京市朝阳区新源南路1-3号平安国际金融中心B座22层
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