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法国 TLD 集团是机场地勤设备专业制造商中的龙头企业

通过覆盖全球的销售及售后服务网络, TLD 为客户提供集团分布在世界各地之工厂所设计、制造的全线地勤设备。 我们的客户遍布全球,包括航空公司、机场、货运航空公司、地勤服务商及军方。

TLD 提供的地勤设备种类繁多,工程团队不断改良各产品以期满足和适应客户的特殊需求。性能优越、操作简单、高度可靠性和低维修成本乃 TLD 工程团队不断追求的目标。

TLD 亚洲总部位於香港,负责整个亚太及远东市场。藉著其在新加坡、台湾、泰国、韩国、菲律宾及中国上海的办事处,已逐步成为亚太区地勤设备供应商中的领先者。TLD集团决心全力打入中国市场,以巩固其地勤设备主要供货商的地位,1997年TLD亚洲在中国上海开设工厂,在北京,广州设立销售处, 2009年在无锡新区开设工厂,这同时也标志著TLD集团地勤设备的全球网络化.

TLD is the No.1 industrial group specialized in Airport Ground Support Equipment (GSE)

Through a very extensive Worldwide Sales and Service network, TLD provides its customers a complete range of ground support equipment, designed and assembled in the group's industrial sites located on several continents. Our customers include Airlines, Airports, Cargo Airlines, Ground Handlers, and Military organizations everywhere in the world.

TLD offers a wide range of Ground Support Equipment, consistently reviewed by our engineering teams in order to assure evolution, meeting and adapting to our customers specific requirements. Performance as well as simplicity, high reliability and low maintenance costs continuously drive our engineering efforts.

Located in Hong Kong, TLD Asia headquarter is covering Asia Pacific and far-east market. With contribution of Singapore, Taiwan, Thailand, Korea, Philippine and Shanghai offices, TLD is becoming the leading supplier in GSE industry in Asia Pacific area. In 1997, TLD established factory in Shanghai, sales offices in Beijing and Guangzhou. In 2009, TLD established factory in Wuxi New District. Accordingly TLD has successfully established her global production and sales networks.


  • 公司性质:外商独资
  • 所属行业:动力、电力、机电设备
  • 所在地区:上海-浦东新区
  • 联系人:HR
  • 手机:
  • 邮箱:会员登录后才可查看
  • 邮政编码:201321
  • 地址:上海浦东新区周浦镇周祝公路1222号

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